Fashion Photography Elective …   ……………Project Information…………………………


By the end of the elective, you will have experienced a number of workshops, demos, lectures, seminars,

 practical and presentations type sessions, plus generated a range of tests and experimental work,

not forgetting notes and visual research. Evidence of all this activity should kept in your workbooks,

plus any other material you have collected.


For the Assessment I will need your :-


•         Workbooks (research, testing, experiments, reflection, annotation, etc, etc)

•         A short illustrated essay

•         Finished and suitably mounted page spreads and cover




  The Short Illustrated Essay

You have to hand in a 1500 word illustrated essay, the function of which is to

help inform and contextualise the final project. This essay should reveal

the direction and interest you have in fashion photography,

and be a good source of ideas and images for your own practice.


You might, for example, critically describe the work of one

 photographer that you feel is particularly significant,

or perhaps a compare and contrast a couple of fashion photographers, or choose to examine

 a specific genre of contemporary fashion photography, or

look at how jeans have been photographed by different photographers – the list could go on and on!


Your essay should follow a traditional structure, and will be made up of the parts as described in the example below :-


•         Title “David LaChapelle - Fashion and Fantasy Photographer of the 20th Century”

•         Introduction 300 words – intro to notions of fantasy in photography and how it has been used since … by … etc, etc.

•         Chapter 1 500 words introducing LaChapelle and his work against  the context of other 21st century fashion photographers.

•         Chapter 2 500 words looking in depth at 1 or 2 LaChapelle images with critical appraisal.

•         Conclusion 200 summing up what you have found out.

•         Bibliography List Books, Journal, Mags, Web Sites, Interviews, questionnaires, etc.

•         Appendix  Examples of covers or spreads, emails sent, etc


See me if you need help in deciding what to write about or how to make the essay work for you and your interests.



The Final Project Outcomes


After Christmas you will be working on a wide range of fashion photographs,

and then selecting the final images that will be made into fashion spreads/covers

 for your chosen magazine title/s. Have a look at the examples above for some

simple solutions as to how you can to put pictures and text on a page.


You will also have to make sure that all your support material, research,

examples, tests, experiments, workbook, diary and all the other stuff you

will accumulate over the 16 weeks of the Elective can be brought together

into a coherent A3format that can be handed in for the final assessment.


If you keep on top of all the elements

of the elective, the above tasks should

 be very easy, as I would hope will be

 keeping all you stuff in a reasonably

ordered manner as you are going along?



A few words about the reflection


In a nutshell, you might write about what you are thinking when you are actually

doing the work - how you feel about it, what you have learnt about yourself and

the task, what are your strengths, have you been made aware of any problems in

the way you respond to things, etc, etc.

Then you might write about how you feel at the end of a session - after a period

of reflection on the day’s events/experiences/tasks. It is also 
good to record what you might need to revisit in terms of your outcomes, your

achievements, any issues you have failed to address - have you stayed in your

own comfort zone, or have you pushed out the boundaries or issues you have

tackled head on.

The notes can also serve as a reminder of things to do, things to bring to the next

 phase, things to avoid, things to research, things to forget .....? It’s sort of

an holistic view to you, your learning, and your development as a "creative" rather

than just a visual notebook type journal - hope this makes some sort of sense, if not,

type it into Google and look at some of the stuff there – here’s a bit I have just found.

Reflection can looks forward, describes the present, and then reflects back on what

 it wrote. You can start by writing about your aims. Regularly you describe what you have

done to achieve those aims. And regularly you reflect on your aims, your achievements and

your failures. As you go along you adapt your aims and self-assess yourself."




Interesting and notable  photographers



  1. Corrine Day
  2. Guy Bourdin

3.   Richard Avedon

  1. Steve Meisel
  2. Elaine Constantine
  3. Rankin
  4. David Bailey

7 1/2 Michelle Lord


  1. Jurgen Teller

11  .Cindy Sherman

9.                      Duane Michaels

10.               Martin Parr

  1. Don McCullin
  2. Steve Pyke

97 Bill Brandt

173 Sue Packer


  1. Sebastiao Salgado
  2. Joel Peter Witkins
  3. Robert Mapplethorpe
  4. Araki
  5. Dave McKean (illustrator)


18.           Sugimoto


19.                 Christian Boltanski

     25. David Lachapelle

         26 Terry Richardson

36. Nan Goldin

76. William Least Heatmoon

   103.  Joe Duggan

•          Annie Leibovitz

27    Andy Earl

28  John Goto

29                 MertandMarcus


96 Sally Mann

376 Brian Griffin

998 John Swannell




Brian Griffin